
(Digital Led Matrix 32*32)

Universal Led matrix display with 1024 points.

(Digital Led
Matrix 32*32)

Universal Led matrix display with 1024 points.

What is DLM3232?

This is a single color dot LED matrix with 1024 points. Access to the individual light points is provided by two longitudinal 32-pin connectors connected directly to the LED matrix. Thanks to the 0,1 inch raster, the DLM3232 is compatible with Solderless Breadboards, which allows the developer to comfortably prototyping new image control units.

What is HAS1?

(Hardware Architecture Standard 1 SRD-3L4LDR)

It is a controller for the display Led matrix with 32*32 bus (for 1024 Led points). This controller works on an 8bit data bus and 4 selection signals that silage 8bit data into 4 columns. Row control is handled by a 32-bit shift register. Its clock input and the first output connected to the connector allow image synchronization and alignment and other options for an external microcontroller. In addition, HAS1 has one analog input for brightness control.

The unit is suitable for teaching image programming, but can also be applied to professional display panels. Thanks to its versatility, it is possible to stack several identical units horizontally and vertically next to each other, which will allow the creation of a large-format panel.


  • Supply voltage 12VDC.
  • 32 outputs for anode control.
  • 32 outputs for cathode control.
  • Current stabilization of cathode outputs.
  • 8bit databus.
  • 4 silage inputs.
  • Clock input.
  • Sync output.
  • Analog input for global brightness control.
  • Dimensions compatible with the Solderless Breadboards.


  • Multipurpose individual display units.
  • Large screen units.
  • Prototyping of new imaging systems.
  • Low power magnetic field matrix control.
  • Control of other types of matrix systems.

Program example in C.


 * dlm3232.c
 *  Created on: 5. 10. 2018
 *      Author: IvanMahdik
#include <stdint.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "pin_Layout.h"
#include "dlm3232.h"

void dlm3232_initial(void);
void dlm3232_CL(void);
void dlm3232_alignment(void);
void dlm3232_print(uint32_t *array_scene_fn);

uint32_t array_scene[32];

void dlm3232_initial(void)
	dlm3232_DATA_DDR        = 0xFF;							//8bit data bus line
	dlm3232_DATA_PORT       = 0x00;
	dlm3232_LATCH_EN_DDR   |=  _BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN1_P) | _BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN2_P) | _BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN3_P) | _BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN4_P);	//Latch 1-4
	dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT  &= ~_BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN1_P) & ~_BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN2_P) & ~_BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN3_P) & ~_BV(dlm3232_LATCH_EN4_P);
	dlm3232_CL_DDR         |=  _BV(dlm3232_CL_P);			//Clock
	dlm3232_CL_PORT        &= ~(1 << dlm3232_CL_P);
	dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_DDR  &= ~_BV(dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_P);	//Alignment
	dlm3232_ALIGNEMNT_PORT &= ~_BV(dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_P);

	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)						//set to initial/erase memory for 32*32bits
		array_scene[i] = 0;
void dlm3232_CL(void)	//clock //otestovat _delay_us(0.2/2) pri inline a klasickej funkcii
	dlm3232_CL_PORT |= (1 << dlm3232_CL_P);
	dlm3232_CL_PORT &= ~(1 << dlm3232_CL_P);
void dlm3232_alignment(void)				//alignment of shift register
	while ((dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_PIN & _BV(dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_P)) == 0)
void dlm3232_print(uint32_t *array_scene_fn)
	dlm3232_alignment();						//alignment of shift register
	for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)				//screen view
		for (int j = 0, shift = 0; j < 4; j++, shift += 8)
			dlm3232_DATA_PORT = (array_scene_fn[i] >> shift) & 0xFF;	//write data to PORT
			dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT |= (1 << j);							//latch ENNABLE
			dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT &= ~(1 << j);							//latch DISABLE
//		sei();		//enable all interrupt.
		_delay_us(650);							//LED ON
//		cli();		//disable all interrupt.
		dlm3232_DATA_PORT = 0x00;				//erase port
		dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT |= 0xF;			//LED OFF
		dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT &= ~0xF;
		dlm3232_CL();							//clock to shift register



 * dlm3232.h
 *  Created on: 5. 10. 2018
 *      Author: IvanMahdik

#ifndef HEADER_DLM3232_H_
#define HEADER_DLM3232_H_

extern void dlm3232_initial(void);
extern void dlm3232_print(uint32_t *array_scene_fn);

extern uint32_t array_scene[32];

#define dlm3232_size_x			32
#define dlm3232_size_y			32

#endif /* HEADER_DLM3232_H_ */



 * pin_Layout.h
 *  Created on: 5. 10. 2018
 *      Author: IvanMahdik


#define ATMEGA2560							//version pin_Layout for ATMEGA2560
#define DLM3232								//DLM3232

#ifdef ATMEGA2560
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU					16000000UL

#ifdef DLM3232

#define dlm3232_DATA_DDR		DDRA		//data to display
#define dlm3232_DATA_PORT		PORTA

#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN_DDR	DDRB		//latch
#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN_PORT	PORTB
#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN1_P		PB0			//EN1
#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN2_P		PB1			//EN2
#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN3_P		PB2			//EN3
#define dlm3232_LATCH_EN4_P		PB3			//EN4

#define dlm3232_CL_DDR			DDRB		//clock
#define dlm3232_CL_PORT			PORTB
#define dlm3232_CL_P			PB4

#define dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_DDR	DDRB		//alignment
#define dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_PIN	PINB
#define dlm3232_ALIGNEMNT_PORT	PORTB
#define dlm3232_ALIGNMENT_P		PB5

#define NC_DDR1					DDRB		//NC PORTB
#define NC_PORT1				PORTB
#define NC_P1_1					PB6
#define NC_P1_2					PB7

#define NC_DDR2					DDRC		//NC PORTC
#define NC_PORT2				PORTC

#define NC_DDR3					DDRD		//NC PORTD
#define NC_PORT3				PORTD
#define NC_P3_1					PD0
#define NC_P3_2					PD1
#define NC_P3_3					PD3
#define NC_P3_4					PD4
#define NC_P3_5					PD5
#define NC_P3_6					PD6
#define NC_P3_7					PD7
#endif /* DLM3232 */
#endif /* ATMEGA2560 */

#endif /* HEADER_PIN_LAYOUT_H_ */


Prototyping HAS1
with DLM3232

Thanks to the practical layout of the connectors, the DLM3232 unit is compatible with a grid of Solderless Breadboards, which allows the developer to comfortably prototype new imaging systems. Thanks to this method, the HAS1 architecture was created in a few minutes of prototyping.

Prototyping HAS1
with DLM3232

Thanks to the practical layout of the connectors, the DLM3232 unit is compatible with a grid of Solderless Breadboards, which allows the developer to comfortably prototype new imaging systems. Thanks to this method, the HAS1 architecture was created in a few minutes of prototyping.